
FYE helped me transition to college life by introducing me to a variety of campus resources. My messsage to incoming students is that participating in FYE events is a great way to meet other students. I attended both Arrival Survival and Family Night, both of which helped my family and I better understand what this big change would look like.

- - - - - -安德里亚

Transitioning to college can be daunting, but FYE was like a "cheat sheet" for success! The FYE counselors are my favorite aspect. Having that connection made a huge difference in my success. At Arrival Survival I meet others who were in the same boat as me and it lessened my "first-day" nerves.

致即将入学的学生... Utilize their  resources, attend the fun events, and connect with others. It will make a huge difference in your college success!




Estando en mi ultimo ano de High School recibi la ayuda del program FYE en el cual doy las gracias proque me ayudaron y me guiaron hacia las metas que yo deseo realizar. Estoy my contento por la ayuda que han brindado y orgullosamente haber sido parte de este programa. Mi recomendacion para los estudiantes que ocupan ayuda es contactarse con los representantes del programa ya que son personas dispuestas a ayudar en momentos dificiles.


It's easy to sign up for FYE program. Requirements are like activities you'd do anyways, like visiting a professor or attending a workshop. Also, the people here are amazing! They help you navigate the websites and apps you need to manage schoolwork, which is way better than figuring it out by yourself. And if I hadn't attended Family Night, I wouldn't have found my job on-campus.

- - - - - -凯兰




FYE gave me the confidence to embark on my college journey. Dedicated counselors helped me plan my education path. Workshops helped me understand how my strengths and personality can shape my academic path. FYE study spaces, snacks, and fun events made me feel at home and I was able to connect with others. Arrival Survival introduced me to campus essentials and helped me navigate my schedule. Thanks to FYE, my first semester felt like an exciting adventure rather than a mystery. Embrace FYE - they will set you up for success at VC!


FYE helped me transition from high school to college. Their dedicated counselors guided me personally! I met other students just like me and found out about campus programs and services. My advice to new students is stay involved, take advantage of the programs, meet with your counselors and take advantage of tutors.

